Spring Break Resort is expected to go live on Amazon on February 1, 2021. Volume one in the series, Spring Break Awakening, should go on a free promotion for several days around that time.I've already begun structuring the first book of the new mystery series, Sea Monsters. I've had an artist create an illustration for use on the blog, and another artist is creating the sketches of the luxury yacht on which the investigators will work, the Yasmina.
This is the cover art for the new book, coming out around February 1.
I've started an online column under another of my writing names, Bill Heath. It is on Substack, a relatively new platform for independent journalists. A number of established journalists, such as Glenn Greenwald, formerly of The Intercept, and Matt Taibbi, formerly of Rolling Stone, have switched to this platform because it promises not to censor based on political beliefs. As a citizen and a writer, I find the practice of censorship to be abhorrent, no matter whose views are being blocked.
The column is free, and all are welcome to comment. I will reject only comments that promote violence or censorship, or that portray incenst, pedophelia or bestiality as acceptable. Otherwise, you're invited to comment as you wish. It can be found at BillHeath.Substack.Com, and is called "One Foot in the Gravy." Drop by, enjoy or not, join or not, it's free either way. Register to receive columns as they are published, leave comments, offer suggestions or even offer to write a column yourself. I'm not sure how, but content will remain free in perpetuity to all who decide to register during the first six months.
The title is One Foot in the Gravy.
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