Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What to do next?

Just sent Harassing, a new mystery in the Flint Files series, off to my editor. It’s not as dark as Taunting, and addresses a very real social issue: the invisibility of the homeless. I’ve laid the groundwork for volume three, Tyranny. Before I’m done, rural Louisiana might replace Cabot Cove, Maine, as the murder capital of the country.

I need to decide what to work on next.

Fans have asked for a fourth volume in the Finding Series, Mike and Luke’s intense bromance. I’ve started notes on it. I’m open to suggestions for a title, since Volume Three was Finding Closure. The manuscript for Did You Ever See Allegro?, the standalone tale of a 1969-1970 garage band, remains 70% complete and I should get back to it.

I’ve extracted the first two novellas in The Life of Kyle series from a manuscript too long to publish. I have another eight or ten yet to extract. These are written under my pen name Kyle Randolph, which I use for more explicit adult-oriented material. Volume One goes on free promotion August 11-12.

The Head Game, a sports comedy, is about 15% complete. I started it three years ago and two characters took over, insisting I tell their story about dealing with the aftermath of trauma. That became Four Seconds onthe Clock, and I’ve got much of Volume Three in that series conceptualized.

I’ve started Life Creates, third volume in the Life Stories series, and it will be the final volume. I have notes written for a drama sequel to the comedy The Trip to Helen Gawne; Dentist Elvis and Podiatrist Fran go on a medical mission to Africa.

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