The Emgee series is a free companion set to the Finding series. It is written by a mixed Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle. Emgee meets Suit-smell man and soon finds that he is forced to adopt the strange people person. Emgee is scared. He's just a puppy himself and is not ready to be responsible for a pet.
What will he feed him? How will he take care of him if he gets sick? How will he train him? Suit-smell man obviously needs a lot of work. Emgee found what is self-evidently Suit-smell man's drinking bowl and then discovers that Suit-smell man pees in it. Ugh!!
Paint-smell man must be Suit-smell man's Mommy. He has to teach Suit-smell man the most basic things about how to deal with a dog. But Paint-smell man won't let Suit-smell man feed on his teats (which, frankly, aren't that impressive anyway). Since Emgee's new pet already has a Mommy, why is he Emgee's responsibility.
Things are really weird. When he's with other people persons Suit-smell man exudes an unmistakable odor: Leader of the Pack. A puppy is the pack leader but still has a Mommy and needs an owner. Life is confusing for Emgee.
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